Welcome to MyCharger

MyCharger is a simple way to find out how what doing your bit for the planet can do for you. See how much you can save switching to an electric car and get your search started with our suggestions!

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Our Mission

With climate change becoming a increasing urgent problem in our lives, there is a no better time to start looking for more eco-friendly vehicles for the planets health. Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Hybrid Vehicles are improving rapidly and MyCharger dedicated to taking the guesswork out of how a switching to these vehicles can be beneficial for both the planet and you.


Our state of the art EV/Fuel comparison calculator can help you save thousands of dollars on fuel each year!


Our team is committed to providing tools & resources that will help both you & our Planet Earth in the long run.

Your Part

The tools & resources we provide at MyCharger were built to educate our users & reduce fuel emissions.